Friday, September 25, 2009

At Last a Cure for Aids

A new AIDS vaccine had been scientifically declared to protect! This new vaccine named RV 144, has shown that out of the 16,000 volunteers in Thailand,the infection rate was significantly one third lower than normal. Could this be a breakthrough for the health industry? How will this affect the world's rising exposure of AIDS? Will the world's economy suffer from less deaths?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

East Africa Experiences a Hunger Crisis

Due to the absence of rain nearly 20 million people in Kenya, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti and Ethiopia are suffering from starvation according to UN statistics. Budget cuts made to the UN World Food Program make it hard for the UN to aid all in need. This arouses concern that help will not be provided to pregnant and children in dire need. With less money going to World Food Programs, what will outcomes be for those who suffer?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Parents Disagree With Obama's "Study Hard" Tactic

Seriously! Who is really doing the brainwashing? Parents or President?

Monday, September 14, 2009

ALERT! 9.2 Billion People Estimated to Populate the World in 2050 According to Friedman

What is more horrifying than knowing the world is already over populated with 6.7 billion people? Knowing that over the next 43 years, world population will most likely increase by 2.5 billion! According to Tom Friedman's book "Hot, Flat and Crowded", the population surge is expected happen mostly in undeveloped nations, where government is fragile and poor. Could this increase population call for more violence and extreme civil unrest within the nations? How will unstable government be able to cope with the increase demands of a growing nation?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Todays Lesson Plan: 9/11

Mayor Rudy Giuliani joins family members from 9/11 to create an educational plan to educate the events of 9/11 to middle and high school students. This plan is expected to be tested at schools in New York City, California, New Jersey, Alabama, Indiana, Illinois and Kansas this year. It was developed with the help of Brick, N.J.-based Sept. 11 Education Trust, families of victims, Rudy Giuliani and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a New York senator at the time of the attacks, consisting of primary sources and archival footage. Doesn't this information classify under history? It is important to know what happened but should we have to have a separate class designed especially for that?

Philly Eagle's Quaterback Michael Vick Tells All About His Dark Past

Michael Vick, ex convict and Philadelphia Eagle's quarterback speaks to 200 Nueva Esperanza Academy freshmen in Philly, informing them the dangers of falling under peer pressure. Vick had been in the federal pen for 18 months for running a dogfighting ring and because of his actions his contract with the NFL, which made him one of the highest paid players, had been suspended. Once he got out of prison in July, he was signed back on the team. Many animal rights organizations were outraged by NFL's decision. But doesn't Vick deserve a second chance to prove himself? He claims that he is reformed from his past experiences and now acts like a spokesperson for anti- peer pressure organizations. I think he deserves to prove himself to his best potential.

Commuters Have No Fear: San Fran Bay Bridge Reopens

After being closed down on Friday for inspections and repairs, the San Francisco Bay Bridge is finally open to commuters. This is a breath of relief for those who took the Golden Gate, ferry or any other means to get out and into San Francisco. During the inspection, bridge crews found a 2-inch-thick steel link cracked halfway through the bridge. Scary! Even though there was a somewhat hassle to get across, it is reassuring to know that the bridge will not collapse while people are commuting.

Monday, September 7, 2009

President Obama Encourages Kids to Stay in School and Strive for a Good Education

President Obama's plan to tell nation wide kids of the importance of education and the benefits of staying in school sparks interest in many television and talk shows. His planned speech has been accused by several conservative organizations and persons to be diving too directly within local education and trying to teach them with his "socialist" agenda, but is this really about socialism or any kind of "ism"? Is it a crime to inform kids that getting an education will lead them closer to their dreams in life?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Director Michael Moore lashes out against capitalism with his upcoming movie "Capitalism: A Love Story"

World famous liberal political commentator and film director Michael Moore is at it again. Capitalism, according to Moore, is a one way street benefitting the poor and leaving millions in the dust of poverty."Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil," he concludes. Is the capitalist system really as democratic as we are led to believe it is? Will Moore's film "Capitalism: A Love Story" influence a revolt against government or go somewhat unnoticed?