Friday, October 30, 2009

Yet Another Palin Case

The renowned Bristol Palin situation is back, this time she is not pregnant. Apparently, according to The Guardian, Bristol and Levi Johnston, father of her child Tripp, are neck to neck about custody... Levi accusing Bristol of denying him his rights to Tripp, Bristol accusing Levi of only wanting to "get some" and acrimonious statements made in Vanity Fair merging in the mix. Oh the joys and delights of teenage pregnancy. Johnston and Palin need to stop selfishly thinking about themselves and focus their attention on Tripp, who is certainly going to feel this in the future. If Sarah Palin can not control what happens in her household, how is she suppose to manage a country with millions of teenage pregnancies, poverty, drug and alcohol abuses?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Today 7,000 Americans Lost Their Unemployment Benefits

Apparently their are just too much unemployed Americans that rely on living on unemployment benefits. Over a month after passing the unemployment benefits bill, Senate is still debating on extending benefits. 
Over the last few years unemployment has reached skyrocketing limits, all you have to do is look around you or in the park after dark to know those who suffer from it, each person with a different story but same ending. Thousands of people rely on unemployment benefits and when it backfires they are spiraled into an oblivion. Although finding work is a difficult process, I see too many unemployed people out on the streets rattling plastic cups for coins. The government is trying what they can, now its time for us to do our part and stop rattling and starting striving for the better.

A Step Towards Acceptance: President Obama Promises to Sign Hate Crimes Bill

Hate crimes bill, named after Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr., is promised to be signed and passed by legislation and President Obama unlike the past president, George Bush Jr, who vetoed it. Once the bill is signed, it would be a federal crime to assault anyone because of their sexuality or gender identity. All of this sounds brilliant on paper but how will it play in society? Just because it is there does not necessarily mean that those, who brutally discriminate against others because of who they are, are going to stop their actions.

Save the Polar Bears!!

Because the rapidly decreasing polar bear populations, the Interior Department proposed to reserve more than 200,000 acres of ice, land and water around Alaska for critical habitat. Many officials say that the cause of polar bear extinction is because of global warming. This global climate change doesnt only affect humans but also our furry and not so furry friends.

One More For Public Option

Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, favors and is considering voting on Public Option, a government- run health insurance plan as long as it makes a few alterations. Many Democrats are already pro- Public Option, stating that the plan will lower and hold down costs of health insurance. Reid's vote is essential to the 60 votes needed for approval but can the Republicans beat them to the finish line? Supporters from both parties speculate that the other party will not be able to muster up enough votes.
Why can't Senate work together and make a plan that satisfies the needs of EVERYONE? or at least the majority of.

Stop bickering and start collaborating!

Kidman Against Hollywood

Actress and UN Ambassador, Nicole Kidman, made an appearance before Congress against Hollywood's portrayal of women and accuses Hollywood of contributing to violence against women by making them appear as weak sex objects on the silver screen. She admits that she would refuse to take up any role in Hollywood production that demanded her to stoop below her morals...

"I can't be responsible for all of Hollywood, but I can certainly be responsible for my own career." - Nicole Kidman

but that is controversial considering her past roles in the cinematic industry.

Global Warming Does Not Exist?

According to survey, only 57% of Americans today believe that the world is suffering from global warming. So I suppose the melting of ice in the Arctic Regions and the rise of oceanic temperatures have nothing to do with the warming of the world and are just illusions from our minds. Also according to survey only 36% of Americans believe that human activity is the cause of these environmental changes. How dumb can we be?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Traitor Amongst US Science!

Stewart Nozette, 52, a former NASA scientist who helped discover the existence of water on the moon was arrested by the FBI after attempting to sell US satellite secrets to the Israelis. According to the indictment he had been bought out to work as a consultant to the Isreali defence firm. Secretly of course. These days are dangerous ones, how will the US and its economy be able to strive if trust is limited?

Shell Gets Oily

President Obama's administration gave thumbs up for Shell to drill for oil and natural gas in environmental sensitive Beaufort Sea. Alaskan conservative groups are accusing Obama for making the same mistakes as past president, George Bush Jr. Is it really the best idea to start using up more of our nonrenewable resources in this already endangered world? It seems that instead of taking steps to secure our environment and future, we are taking steps back into past mistakes!

"We're disappointed to see the Obama administration taking decisions that will threaten the Arctic. It might as well have been the Bush administration."
- Rebecca Noblin (Alaskan Specialist for Center of Biological Diversity)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Yet Another Chance to Legalize Marijuana

US justice department is backing away from the excessive, blood hound driven chase to rid Marijuana from the United States of America. According to President Barrack's justice department, busting people using medical marijuana is just a waste of limited police power. If marijuana could inflict the same pain relieving reaction as morphine why not just legalize a bit? 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Small Earthquake Strikes East Cal!

After a sequence of tremors in Lone Pine, California an earthquake finally hits today! Luckily there has been no reports of damage or injuries.

DNA is Gooood!

FBI statistics show that because of the increasing use of DNA the number of rape crimes has dropped increasingly from two decades ago. DNA has risen confidence in the court room for victims testifying and has stopped many criminals in their tracks and hauled them off to the pen. However, the system still has a few kinks here and there with miscalculating evidence and wrongfully convicted people. It is quite obvious that there needs to be improvements but isnt it reassuring to know that the streets are safer?

When Will Obama Aggressively Take a Stand for Homosexual Equality?

Gay men and lesbians rapidly grow impatient with Obama's delayed "aggressive" effort being put in securing equal rights and minimizing discrimination for gays and lesbians alike. President Obama plans to address gay rights on Saturday but the skepticalism grows within the homosexual community. Obama being in presidency for nearly a year frustrates those who are not seeing the fruits of his labour and the push toward a homosexually equal society. How will this affect Obama's image on America and his voters?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Where' D monie-go?

A whooping $179 Million budget deficit faces San Diego next year. California's second biggest city will face yet more budget cuts! Is it really such a bad idea for the government to just secretly print the money and anonymously donate it? I haven't heard anyone suggest a better idea!

Iran nuclear talks da bomb? - Optimistic?

Hopes have been raised as Iran and six major nations have held talks about Tehrans nuclear program. Iran has given permission for UN inspectors to enter a newly disclosed uranium enrichment plant. Does this give us hope for future optimism? Or is it just just another case of America's quest to be the sole nation with nuclear weapons marching onward!

American Samoa - Disaster!

President Obama has declared American Samoa a major disaster area after an 8.3 earthquake, tsunami and flooding hits the region. Many hundreds of people are already dead with the toll sure to rise. Hawaii, along many other islands in the area, is now on a tsunami watch. What can be done in the short and long term for the people so cruelly affected by mother natures fury?

Health Care Softens up

Nearly two million people who have financial issues in buying insurance will be relieved to know that The Senate Finance Committee voted to soften the impact of financial penalties imposed on people who do not have insurance under health care legislation on thursday. Lawmakers delayed and reduced the penalties for others. How will this change the impact on the health industry?

Study Shows Babies Will Live for Five Score Years

This is very interesting. Statistics go beyond biblical three score and seven years and shows that the chances of living past 80 years of age has doubled since 1950. According to Professor Kaare Christensen, of the Danish Ageing Research Centre this trend has no intent in slowing down:
"People are not only living longer than they did previously, but also they are living longer, with less disability and fewer functional limitations"

Bank of America Left in Rambles Searching for a Successor

The sudden resignation of chief executive Kennedy D. Lewis has left Bank of America frantically searching for new successor. Going through dozens of possibles, the search is expected to take weeks. How will the Bank of America deal with this upturn of events? Will the chosen successor be able to handle the upcoming bailout the country will experience? This is a tough job and calls for a tough person.

Check Spelling

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Obama Wants the 2016 Olympics to be Closer to Home

The bidding of the location of the 2016 Olympics keeps on but with a few words put in for the 2016 Olympic to be in Chicago by President Obama. Taking time from health care debate, President Obama will take a overnight flight to Copenhagen, Denmark on Friday to bid hometown Chicago. Congress is concerned that the president's attention is not tuned to the right station. Could President Obama's decision to bid Chicago for 2016 Olympics be to justify his childhood in the States? Or is this looking past personal and does Obama want to build up the economy with "free money"?