Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bernanke for Another Round of being Chairman of the US Reserve?

I found this segment about Ben Bernanke interesting. Many speculate that Bernanke is the abysmal failure that caused the financial system to crash and did not do anything to prevent it. Under Bernake's guidance, the unemployment rate has raised up to 17%, more than 120 banks have failed and derivatives has risen from $110tn to $290tn, 95% of that being concentrated in just five institutions. Now is it time for Mr. Bernanke to finish up his call of duty and move on? To many it is. As Chairman he should have taken more safety precautions to how he handled the financial situation, but it is what it is. Its time now to give the financial economy a face-lift from a new doctor.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

President Obama's "Cash for Caulkers" Proposal

Finally! A plan that rewards "go green" citizens for using energy efficient appliances and insulation. President Obama proposed a plan to compensate homeowners up to $12, 000 in rebates for going environmental. I personally think that this is a brilliant plan. Not only does it save money, it also helps the earth stay healthy. Obama states that energy efficiency:
"creates jobs, saves money for families, and reduces the pollution that threatens our environment," Obama said. "With additional resources, in areas like advanced manufacturing of wind turbines and solar panels, for instance, we can help turn good ideas into good private-sector jobs."
In these times it is important to think about the environment and the damage it endures. This is the source of life that we are talking about, it should be the prime concern, not money, war or oil. Its pretty far fetched to say so, but it is true all the same. Wake up and look around America! What are WE doing to our lands and seas? Hats off to Obama for coming up with a plan like this.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Why DID Palin Leave College in Hawaii??

Out of the four colleges Sarah Palin attended her first was in Hawaii, but she only stayed for one semester saying that the sunny bright environment was not "conducive to serious academics for eighteen year old Alaska girls". However her father gives a different story saying that her reason was in a land of Asians and South Islanders, Palin did not enjoy being in the minority and felt very uncomfortable. Can Palin not take the pressure of being different from those around her? Hopefully Palin will use the experience that she had back in Hawaii and apply it to her politics and ease that uncomfortable feeling for the minorities in the United States of America. Its really a wonder why this was not media- tized though.

Girlfriend Recommended for Federal Prosecutor

Senator Max Baucus acknowledges the fact that he recommended his girlfriend Melodee Hanes, a highly qualified prosecutor, for being nominated for United States attorney of State. Since Ms. Hanes and Mr. Baucus had a developing relationship which caused the controversy that she was picked due to favorites and not for her competence. Is it too impossible that Mr. Baucus have a relationship with a strong, powerful attorney? For once why can't a woman be criticized for her skill and not her relationship status? It is not like Ms. Hanes got an unfair advantage but after a unified decision with the senator, she decided to remove her name from the nomination for Federal Prosecutor. This was probably due to the pesky media that seems to want to find a scandal in everything. Fortunately for Ms. Hanes she found a new position as an attorney of the Justice Department, a job that she got on her own means, wit and skill with no help, no recommendations from her boyfriend, Mr. Max Baucus. So there!