Sunday, December 6, 2009

Why DID Palin Leave College in Hawaii??

Out of the four colleges Sarah Palin attended her first was in Hawaii, but she only stayed for one semester saying that the sunny bright environment was not "conducive to serious academics for eighteen year old Alaska girls". However her father gives a different story saying that her reason was in a land of Asians and South Islanders, Palin did not enjoy being in the minority and felt very uncomfortable. Can Palin not take the pressure of being different from those around her? Hopefully Palin will use the experience that she had back in Hawaii and apply it to her politics and ease that uncomfortable feeling for the minorities in the United States of America. Its really a wonder why this was not media- tized though.


  1. Make sure that your pictures reflect your entry. This isn't a picture of Sarah Palin. Do you know who it is?

  2. Apparently not Sarah Palin. Better? :)
