Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Game Catches Crook

Criminal gets caught by playing World of Warcraft online on a stolen xbox. According to deputy of Howard County, Matt Roberson, the accused Alfred Hightower was a avid player of this apparently addictive game so the authorities were able to trace the system down to Hightower. Roberson told The Perspective:
“We received information that this guy was a regular player of an online game, which was referred to as ‘some warlock and witches’ game.” None of that information was sound enough to pursue on its own, but putting everything we had together gave me enough evidence to send a subpoena to Blizzard Entertainment. I knew exactly what he was playing — World of Warcraft. I used to play it. It’s one of the largest online games in the world.”

“You hear stories about you can’t get someone through the Internet. Guess what??You can. I just did. Here you are, playing World of Warcraft, and you never know who you’re playing with.”
It is not the first time that the police use games to track down criminals. Officials use the PSP3 to break child pornographers passwords. However this can work as a two way street, police finding criminals and criminals finding victims. How reliable is this system really?

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