Sunday, May 9, 2010

To be a Democrat. That is the question.

Many people in the United States would say that the Democrat political party liberal, plain and simple, the liberal meaning: free from prejudice or bigotry,
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible and have a philosophy about "recapturing goodness". Under the light of a halo, to be a Democrat means to commit to affordable health care for all American citizens, to represent and protect farmers, labor unions, ethnic and religious minorities, to provide well fare for the poor, cut taxes to appeal to the public and lend a kind, helping hand in immigration. However to every good there is a bad, like the flaws in the Dem's stimulus package, which was a means to jump start the economy. In the package, it plans to spend 825 billion dollars with an interest of 300 billion dollars but will cost more than 1.1 trillion dollars to pay it back, and it is probably going to be coming out of taxpayers pockets. The package also plans to spend 650 million dollars on digital TV coupons and 600 million for new cars for the federal government, because, of course, whats a government without pimped out Audi's and spiffy Lincolns. It also plans to establish 32 new government programs on a over 136 billion dollar spending limit. Wow! However, 79 billion is going to public schools and school districts, which is not a whopping 136 billion but its a start.

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