Wednesday, February 24, 2010

88 Teachers Pinkslipped

One of the lowest performing schools in the Rhode Island State, Central Falls High School is planning to fire all 88 teachers due to their lack of concern in the students test scores and grades. Although a teachers union spokesman calls the pink slipping "drastic" the superintendent for Central Falls stand behind the decision.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mental Health Break

I thought this was funny, such sass and spunk ...and parents wonder why their kids grow up the way they do. They will regret teaching her that in a couple years but she is so cute!

Funny "Whatever" Baby @ Yahoo! Video

Tiger Apologizes but the "Cheetah" Purrs Within

"I am so sorry" says Tiger Woods during his apology to his wife, fans and media. He admits to having multiple affairs because of the influence of being part of the exclusive "rich and famous" and because he was entitled to some pleasureful indulgences of his surroundings due to his hardwork and effort. You would think that being wealthy and not begging for scraps on the filthy streets or living in the hoods of Brooklyn would be satisfying enough... guess not. Tiger also admits that he is Buddhist and had strayed away from his path however, promises society that he will be getting help and improving his situation while keeping in balance his professional and personal life. Basically Tiger says things that people want to hear him say, even dragging religion into it, and most of it, in my view, does not seem heartfelt so try again Mr. Woods, I am not convinced...are you?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

California Schools Not Up to Contest

California School Districts and Teacher Unions can win 700 million dollars in federal grants if they reform some educational habit and keep to their promises, however more than half of California's school district and teacher unions will not participate. Only 41 percent of the schools agreed to take the challenge in order to ease budget cuts. Are we, as Californian teachers, students and districts doing all we can? Well definitely not if more than half of California's school district does not feel competitive enough to take the challenge to better a students life.

Freshman, Sophmore, COLLEGE!

The National Center of Education and the Economy has put together a new program to help students, who feel ready, start moving on with their lives and help achieve their dreams. The program will take action in 2011 in these eight states: Connecticut, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont. According to Marc Tucker, after analyzing the high school systems in other countries there is a big difference as to the focus, understanding and effort.
“That’s a central problem we’re trying to address, the enormous failure rate of
these kids when they go to the open admission colleges. We’ve looked at schools
all over the world, and if you walk into a high school in the countries that use
these board exams, you’ll see kids working hard, whether they want to be a
carpenter or a brain surgeon.”

Personally for me being a young senior I understand the advantages of going to college at an early age and all but what about the well deserved adolescent experience?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The More The Merrier?

College Board's Advance Placement Tests are growing in American High Schools, making it possible of more students to get a chance to be among the elitist, but the failing rate is increasing as well- though not surpassing the passing rate. According to the College Board report released on Wednesday an estimated 800,000 seniors of the graduating class took AP tests during their high school life, doubling the amount of 2001's graduating class but also doubling both the failing and passing rates, which is only to be expected with a growing system. Trevor Packer, vice president of the Advance Placement program says:
“Are we getting more 1s and 2s? Absolutely, but are we getting more 3s, 4s and 5s? Even more so. So the question is whether that increase in the percentage of low scores is a reasonable trade off for the even larger growth in high scores, and I don’t know an educator who wouldn’t think it’s a good trade off to take the risk and give more courses that we know have been good for the few.”

So...the more the merrier?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Early College For Low Income Students

North Carolina has more than 70 early-college schools, whose goal is to keep at-risk students in school by eliminating the divide between high school and college and providing what use to be advantages for over achieving schools. I think that this idea is great to help educate the world, especially for those who can not afford high end places like high or regular income kids can. And the good thing is that this system is actually working, more kids in North Carolina are abstaining from dropping out of school and finding their ways to college. Also grades have improved for those who attend early college school rather than regular high school. Precious Holt, the girl in the picture and an attendee of one of North Carolina's early college school admits that:

“I didn’t want to do it, because my middle school friends weren’t applying,”

“I cried, but my mother made me do it.

“The first year, I didn’t like it, because my friends at the regular high school were having pep rallies and actual fun, while I had all this homework. But when I look back at my middle school friends, I see how many of them got pregnant or do drugs or dropped out. And now I’m excited, because I’m a year ahead.”

The Michael Jackson Case: The Predicament of Doctor Murray

Well this is good to know, for all MJ admires curious of updates of the case.

New York State Senator Gets Down And Dirty

Uh oh! Senator Hiram Monserrate is kicked out by the State Senate for domestic assault, making it the first time in nearly a century that a member was forced from office. According to Jeremy Peters from the NY Times:

"Monserrate was convicted last fall of a misdemeanor for dragging his companion down the hallway of his apartment building."

With Democrat Senator Monserrate booted off the Senate, it will leave Republicans standing at 30 and Democrats at 31 for the passing or approving of any bills, since it takes 32 votes to approve a bill, and thus make it difficult for any party to approve or pass a bill with in their own congregation. However Gov. David A Patterson comes to the rescue by calling a special election on March 16th in order to smooth out the situation...

The problem here is that Senator Monserrate does not think! Democrats are already head on head with the Republicans, trying to appease the nation yet still maintain their authority and Monserrate has to go screw things up and make it possible for the Republicans to "dish some dirt on the Dems". So the question is how much has Dem. dog Monserrate costed his party really?