Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Freshman, Sophmore, COLLEGE!

The National Center of Education and the Economy has put together a new program to help students, who feel ready, start moving on with their lives and help achieve their dreams. The program will take action in 2011 in these eight states: Connecticut, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont. According to Marc Tucker, after analyzing the high school systems in other countries there is a big difference as to the focus, understanding and effort.
“That’s a central problem we’re trying to address, the enormous failure rate of
these kids when they go to the open admission colleges. We’ve looked at schools
all over the world, and if you walk into a high school in the countries that use
these board exams, you’ll see kids working hard, whether they want to be a
carpenter or a brain surgeon.”

Personally for me being a young senior I understand the advantages of going to college at an early age and all but what about the well deserved adolescent experience?

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