Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Early College For Low Income Students

North Carolina has more than 70 early-college schools, whose goal is to keep at-risk students in school by eliminating the divide between high school and college and providing what use to be advantages for over achieving schools. I think that this idea is great to help educate the world, especially for those who can not afford high end places like high or regular income kids can. And the good thing is that this system is actually working, more kids in North Carolina are abstaining from dropping out of school and finding their ways to college. Also grades have improved for those who attend early college school rather than regular high school. Precious Holt, the girl in the picture and an attendee of one of North Carolina's early college school admits that:

“I didn’t want to do it, because my middle school friends weren’t applying,”

“I cried, but my mother made me do it.

“The first year, I didn’t like it, because my friends at the regular high school were having pep rallies and actual fun, while I had all this homework. But when I look back at my middle school friends, I see how many of them got pregnant or do drugs or dropped out. And now I’m excited, because I’m a year ahead.”

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