Monday, March 29, 2010

WANTED: Honeymoon Tester, Must Be Able to Love Getting Paid While on Honeymoon!!

After getting the idea from a film in Australia, Irish travel agency have decided to recreate "The Best Job in the World". All ready more than 1000 couples have applied for the opportunity to be sent to parishes around the world. People are expected to blog about their experiences aand be paid 20000 euros which is about 27000 dollars. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Even the Wealthy...

Even the wealthy are struggling with getting children in good schools. It is said that Arne Duncan, who used to be secretary of education and cheif executive for Chicago Public Schools, had kept a list of local politicians and businessmen, whom he could hopefully get their children in a benevolent school. However rumours flown about how Mr. Duncan and his aide, David Pickens, list was putting a pressure on principals to which they both denied saying that the list was created to reduce principal pressure. Peter Cunningham, assistant secretary of the Department of Education and Mr. Duncans former communicator comments:

“Arne Duncan asked David Pickens to respond to all of these requests, some of which came from him, some from lots of other people, as a way to try to manage a process that was putting a lot of pressure on principals, this was an attempt to buffer principals from all the outside pressure, to get our arms around something that was burdensome to them. It was always up to the principal to make the decision. Arne never ever picked up the phone.”

The list was primarily set as a guide and not something set in stone. It was only asking that Mr. Duncan look at it and see possibilities of things he could do. As many people know admissions into top schools in Chicago has been very difficult and the people on the list were only trying to look out for their own and try and secure a better higher educated future.

Reading Scores Remain Stagnant

As math skills have appeared to be improving through out the years, the reading segment does not appear to be going anywhere at the moment. According to a nationwide reading assessment the score remain on the same path, as they have been for 17 years. This might be because of the improvement in technology and the invention of devices such as the computer, television and USA network, has taken up the interest in people that would have been for reading a good book. People tend to get the mentality that the movie is better than the book and faster, so what is the point of reading it when watching it would be so much more "enjoyable". Others however would say that it is because of the "undemanding curicullum". English expert, Susan Pimentel commented saying that:
"American schools were fairly efficient at teaching basic reading skills in the early grades, but that as students matured they need to be consistently challenged to broaden those skills by reading not only complex literature but also sophisticated nonfiction in subjects like history and science. And we're not asking them to read nearly enough"

As an experienced high school student myself, i find Ms. Pimentel's statement very true. My english class requires that we read books but due to the advantages of the interent and other electronics it is not difficult to find a way around the norm...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Common School Myth Dethroned

Once a upon a time it used to be that if you moved to the right area, your children could be guaranteed a spot in a good school, but in New York school districts that myth is being challenged. For two years now has families in New York's finer areas, such as Upper West and East Side Manhattan, receive letters stating that their child has been put on a waiting list for the local public elementary school. According to statistics shone in the New York times, many schools have nearly as allowed admitted on the waiting lists, one school in have 111 people on its waiting list when there is only space for 130. However, the remaining children are not going to be ignored, according to Maura Keaney, the director of external affairs for the Education Department,

children on a waiting list would be offered a spot at another nearby school by the middle of May. Two new schools with 75 kindergarten seats each will open this fall in existing buildings in District 2 and 3 in Manhattan, and could absorb some of the children.

And also for the waiting list students, even if their parents chose an alternative school they would still be able to keep their place on the waiting list, just in case. However, parents are still stressed, like Michelle Hankin who stated that:

“I am trying to find out what I am supposed to do and what our options are, but I really feel helpless,”

As this phenomenon progress, people begin to question if there are enough progressive schools readily available. People seem to get more critical about the education of their young uns but with a shortage of good schools America is losing a lot of intelligent minds to something that should be guaranteed. What people should do is get down and dirty in the education system and tweak it a bit so that people are allowed the advantages of a well rounded curriculum and in turn a good education.

Just HAD to Post This: Greatest Police Chase

I found this very interesting while surfing youtube. I give props to the driver for controlling the car beautifully, which is believed to be a Mustang, but not for running away from the law which is plain stupidity

Monday, March 22, 2010

The EVERYONE Health Plan : Now That its Passed, Bill Goes to Obama

The health care bill that has been sweeping the nation is now signed, sealed and about to be delivered to President Obama to sign into a law. However, there are still many controversy towards the bill, especially from the everyday citizens of the United States. Many protested outside the capitol, in Washington D.C., to "Kill the Bill", for the bills "immoral" contents (abortion), the higher taxation percent and some.

The roughly $940 billion dollar health plan plans to insure about 32 million Americans, who can not afford health insurance. Now most Americans will be required to have heath insurance or pay a fine, though I can not really think why some one would not want health insurance. Big company employers will have to provide health coverage to employees and insurers will be banned from denying a person coverage because of gender or any existing conditions that they have. For example yeast infection. If any of the above does not comply with the changes than consequences will be put in order for them, financial penalties. Which in my opinion is a fair enough deal however others would seem to say otherwise. Now America will have to see whether or not, the passing of this bill will revolutionize the nation...

A clip-et from protest in Washington:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dreams Come True: Recess Becomes a Class

For years many kids have prayed for recess to be one day a class but students in Broadway Elementary School in Newark would say differently. Brandi Parker was hired on a 14 dollar per hour salary to play disciplinary organized games with the students during their break time. The tactic that was supposed to teach the students control and discipline, but many students are frustrated. Esmeilyn Almendarez, 11 said:
"I dont like to play"
And according to Winnie Hue, a writer for New York Times:
"Although many school officials and parents like the organized activity, its critics say it takes away the only time that children have to unwind."

Even through its important to incorporate good behaviour in children from a young age, recess should be seen as a time to relax and get their brain back together and "unwind" a little, not a drill team..

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Minus 20% LOSER!!!

Rex Roland, middle school teacher from Candler, North Carolina wrote the word "loser" on a student's paper and it has spurred the anger of the student's mother, Patty Clement. Mrs Clement thinks that Roland's technique is unethical and needs to change and resorted to reporting him to the principal of the school. However, other parents do not express deep concern with Roland's tatics, saying that he is only trying to get on their level and communicate with them in ways that are familiar. Like for instance joking around and calling a child loser...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Online Classes : Better for Students or Schools?

Online college classes has been around for nearly twenty years yet there is still controversy whether online classes are both budget wise and educationally fulfilling but that does not stop the Connecticut public high schools, the program, called the CT Virtual Learning Center, is designed to provide classes in algebra, geometry, and English to students who fall behind in class, which would be at an advantage for them because they would have the chance to avoid summer school and compensate their credits. The online courses will also provide electives which may have been cut because of budget issues.
This is a good turn of technology and it will help many students get the education that they deserve.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Central Falls Students Show School Pride and Rally Against Firings

Students and graduates of Central Falls High School decide to take a stand against massive numbers of teachers pink slipped, giving a peaceful demonstration in the neighborhood. They protested the lack of concern that they believe Obama was giving students:

"He doesn't know us. He doesn't know the teachers. He doesn't know the students. I think it's a real outrage what's happening here." said Nikko Calle, 21, a graduate of Central Falls High School in 2006.

Some students had the opinion that Obama had turned a blind eye to the necessities of his supporters. One protester, Ashley Delgado, held a sign stating: Dear Obama, I supported you, your causes, goals and beliefs. Why aren't you supporting mine?
Many have even resorted to peeling the bumper sticker off their vehicles...
Budget cuts have obviously created a dent in many educational system but at what point will a child's chance of getting a decent education be severely jeopardized due to the lack of faculty and materials? The Obama administration really has some strings to tie if they plan to run for executive office again...