Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Common School Myth Dethroned

Once a upon a time it used to be that if you moved to the right area, your children could be guaranteed a spot in a good school, but in New York school districts that myth is being challenged. For two years now has families in New York's finer areas, such as Upper West and East Side Manhattan, receive letters stating that their child has been put on a waiting list for the local public elementary school. According to statistics shone in the New York times, many schools have nearly as allowed admitted on the waiting lists, one school in have 111 people on its waiting list when there is only space for 130. However, the remaining children are not going to be ignored, according to Maura Keaney, the director of external affairs for the Education Department,

children on a waiting list would be offered a spot at another nearby school by the middle of May. Two new schools with 75 kindergarten seats each will open this fall in existing buildings in District 2 and 3 in Manhattan, and could absorb some of the children.

And also for the waiting list students, even if their parents chose an alternative school they would still be able to keep their place on the waiting list, just in case. However, parents are still stressed, like Michelle Hankin who stated that:

“I am trying to find out what I am supposed to do and what our options are, but I really feel helpless,”

As this phenomenon progress, people begin to question if there are enough progressive schools readily available. People seem to get more critical about the education of their young uns but with a shortage of good schools America is losing a lot of intelligent minds to something that should be guaranteed. What people should do is get down and dirty in the education system and tweak it a bit so that people are allowed the advantages of a well rounded curriculum and in turn a good education.

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