Thursday, March 25, 2010

Reading Scores Remain Stagnant

As math skills have appeared to be improving through out the years, the reading segment does not appear to be going anywhere at the moment. According to a nationwide reading assessment the score remain on the same path, as they have been for 17 years. This might be because of the improvement in technology and the invention of devices such as the computer, television and USA network, has taken up the interest in people that would have been for reading a good book. People tend to get the mentality that the movie is better than the book and faster, so what is the point of reading it when watching it would be so much more "enjoyable". Others however would say that it is because of the "undemanding curicullum". English expert, Susan Pimentel commented saying that:
"American schools were fairly efficient at teaching basic reading skills in the early grades, but that as students matured they need to be consistently challenged to broaden those skills by reading not only complex literature but also sophisticated nonfiction in subjects like history and science. And we're not asking them to read nearly enough"

As an experienced high school student myself, i find Ms. Pimentel's statement very true. My english class requires that we read books but due to the advantages of the interent and other electronics it is not difficult to find a way around the norm...

1 comment:

  1. I really do wish that people cared more about reading and reading scores. I think that we are doing good, but it could be much better. My son just graduated from a technical school. I'm super proud of him, he also had below average reading scores when in high school. However, he kept working at it and now he has more training.
