Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dreams Come True: Recess Becomes a Class

For years many kids have prayed for recess to be one day a class but students in Broadway Elementary School in Newark would say differently. Brandi Parker was hired on a 14 dollar per hour salary to play disciplinary organized games with the students during their break time. The tactic that was supposed to teach the students control and discipline, but many students are frustrated. Esmeilyn Almendarez, 11 said:
"I dont like to play"
And according to Winnie Hue, a writer for New York Times:
"Although many school officials and parents like the organized activity, its critics say it takes away the only time that children have to unwind."

Even through its important to incorporate good behaviour in children from a young age, recess should be seen as a time to relax and get their brain back together and "unwind" a little, not a drill team..

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