Thursday, March 25, 2010

Even the Wealthy...

Even the wealthy are struggling with getting children in good schools. It is said that Arne Duncan, who used to be secretary of education and cheif executive for Chicago Public Schools, had kept a list of local politicians and businessmen, whom he could hopefully get their children in a benevolent school. However rumours flown about how Mr. Duncan and his aide, David Pickens, list was putting a pressure on principals to which they both denied saying that the list was created to reduce principal pressure. Peter Cunningham, assistant secretary of the Department of Education and Mr. Duncans former communicator comments:

“Arne Duncan asked David Pickens to respond to all of these requests, some of which came from him, some from lots of other people, as a way to try to manage a process that was putting a lot of pressure on principals, this was an attempt to buffer principals from all the outside pressure, to get our arms around something that was burdensome to them. It was always up to the principal to make the decision. Arne never ever picked up the phone.”

The list was primarily set as a guide and not something set in stone. It was only asking that Mr. Duncan look at it and see possibilities of things he could do. As many people know admissions into top schools in Chicago has been very difficult and the people on the list were only trying to look out for their own and try and secure a better higher educated future.

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