Sunday, May 9, 2010

To be a Democrat. That is the question.

Many people in the United States would say that the Democrat political party liberal, plain and simple, the liberal meaning: free from prejudice or bigotry,
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible and have a philosophy about "recapturing goodness". Under the light of a halo, to be a Democrat means to commit to affordable health care for all American citizens, to represent and protect farmers, labor unions, ethnic and religious minorities, to provide well fare for the poor, cut taxes to appeal to the public and lend a kind, helping hand in immigration. However to every good there is a bad, like the flaws in the Dem's stimulus package, which was a means to jump start the economy. In the package, it plans to spend 825 billion dollars with an interest of 300 billion dollars but will cost more than 1.1 trillion dollars to pay it back, and it is probably going to be coming out of taxpayers pockets. The package also plans to spend 650 million dollars on digital TV coupons and 600 million for new cars for the federal government, because, of course, whats a government without pimped out Audi's and spiffy Lincolns. It also plans to establish 32 new government programs on a over 136 billion dollar spending limit. Wow! However, 79 billion is going to public schools and school districts, which is not a whopping 136 billion but its a start.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Community Service: Educational Awareness in the United States

Part 1

K to College Give Something Back is a school supply initiative organization that sponsors individuals in many poor communities around America. It focuses on helping young, disadvantaged children who wish to commit to academic excellence and complete a college degree.

Just recently, and nearly every Sunday afternoon, I volunteered several hours of my time in order to help out the K to College Give Something Back. The hours were spent preparing and packing bags filled with different school materials. Some of the various components that I packed were binders, file sheets, erasers, sharpeners, scissors, glue, pens and pencils, plus highlighters. These really helpful and needed bags were for children of elementary and middle school grades are living in poverty stricken districts and could not afford simple school tools.

This upsetting state of affairs brings me to my issue of concern which is the lack of academic attention and help in the United States for tomorrows adults allied to the decreasing educational performance in the country. Across this relatively privileged nation many students do not have the proper framework or guidance to be prepared for college and therefore to be successful during attendance at their place of education and beyond their academic days. It is very important for them to get the proper guidance, mentoring and apparatus needed at an early age in order for students to increase awareness and be provided with opportunities of success. This in turn would lead to more successful careers and lives which would subsequently be of benefit to the nation as a whole for any number of reasons.

Such obvious examples are the development of America’s infrastructure, decreasing poverty and thus improving America’s present and future economy, its health statistics and many other positives. It would also have a great effect on the nation’s crime rates as surely a successful, advantaged and educated individual is far less likely to resort to a life of crime. Informed citizens are more likely to eat more healthily and make wiser choices in their lives. A more positive nation makes me wonder what achievements can be made in our short and long term future, not just for America but for the world as a whole which faces many challenges in terms of global warming, increased population with fewer resources and countless other dilemmas!

Back at grass roots levels though, it also matters to us as a community to lend a helping hand to those who need it, for a strong disposition and leadership. Starting at the bottom will ultimately lead to radical advancements in every persons life but I believe this simple scenario is lost to most of us who go about our lives thinking of ourselves in a shortsighted and selfish way.The United States, one of the wealthiest nations on the planet, once held its head high in being one of the most educated countries, with facilities and opportunities that were the envy of many. However, with us now into the 21st century, its standards have dropped tremendously.

According to Unicef calculations made in 2009, the United States ranks 14th out of 24 nations, whilst being an improvement from its 2002 calculations which had put US at 18th out of 24 still is simply not good enough compared to the advantages we should be exposed to. Graduation rates have also taken a steep fall compared to statistics from forty years ago. According to calculations made in 2002 the graduation rates has dropped the US into 19th place and has slipped to 70% during the past year. Why this drastic change in the system? Many point fingers at the No Child Left Behind law, which states that a student be required to be tested on reading and math, devoting less time to science, language, arts and other courses needed to reach graduation. The NCLB pushes students to meet standards on proficiency tests and encourages failing students to drop out in order to increase test average. Manipulation of results and figures surely is money motivated and as mentioned above is a shortsighted and selfish approach that is derogatory to the nation as a whole now and will increasingly be so in its future too!

Many also blame the insufficient amount of government funding to the development and improvement of the educational system. Between the prices for paying for tuition, textbooks and personal interests, students, especially those in poverty stricken environments, find it difficult to keep up with the expenses. It doesn’t take much thought to realize and shudder at the amount of money used to develop weapons and fund war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is obscenely wasteful and tragic too as we do not seem to have learnt any lessons from past conflicts. I do wonder when a time will come when Government addresses such things and channels resources into positive areas which help people not promote fear and destruction.
A 2008 higher education report stated that:

"College tuition continues to outpace family income and the price of other necessities, such as medical care, food and housing. College tuition and fees, adjusted for inflation, rose 439 percent from 1982 to 2007, towering over increases in medical care, housing and food. Median family income rose 147 percent during the same period of time."
Although the presidential administration has made available financial aid and grants, research shows that due to a staggering economy, states and students are still struggling with budget shortcomings.

Other claims made are that many students fail to realize how important education is in their lives and get distracted and consumed by their Facebook, Myspace, television, video games, personal issues and any number of things. That sort of claim though can easily be turned toward parental guidance and every individual can cite mitigating circumstances for any given scenario instead of actually getting down to the job in hand. On average, a teenager would spend 20 hours a week watching television and for those who live in low income settings, it is even more, whilst reserving half of that allotted time to their studies. Some students also have to struggle with balancing family commitments, academics depending on culture. For example in Latino culture, family trumps education with priorities laying in the family as a whole unit, not an individual. Like Cindy Garcia in CNN’s documentary Latino in America, many students are pulled out of school to help their parents with shop keeping, child care and household chores and are not able to graduate on time with their peers.

However the fault does not only lay at the feet of the student’s commitment and government funding. A 1986 Texas study details that there was a link between low teacher and low student test scores. Thousands of instructors statewide have failed at the least one certification test and many do not even take the test, resulting in students lagging behind their peers eventually to drop out because they are unable to keep up with the system. Even though codes have been put in place to try and prevent weak teachers there are many loop holes. For example in Illinois there is the “Chicago- only loophole” that allows substitutes to teach regularly without being required to pass any certification tests.

Part 2

The Obama administration realizes the importance of a good education and has come up with strategies to “combat the dropout crisis” and ensure that students graduating from high school are well prepared for college. President Obama speaks out and states:

“This is a problem we can’t afford to accept or ignore; the stakes are too high – for our children, for our economy, for our country. It’s time for all of us to come together – parents and students, principals and teachers, business leaders and elected officials to end America’s dropout crisis.”

The president’s administration has put 3.5 billion dollars in funding for America’s low performing schools and in addition to that 900 million dollars were put into place to support School Turnaround Grants. President Obama also stresses the importance of investing in dropout prevention, making educational studies more engaging and effectively persuading students to seek higher education. Obama has already suggested putting 100 million dollars in College Pathway programs, which advocates college preparation and awareness while still in high school. (The College Pathway programs allow for students to get college credits while still attending high school). President Obama has also discussed using the intervention strategies in low performing middle and high schools to make them aware of their faults and improve methods to help students become more college and career ready.

Besides the dropout rates, many states like California face budget cuts, Californian public schools face over a nearly two billion dollar loss. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says in his address:
"The current tax and budget system is cruel. It is cruel because it is forcing us to make a "Sophie's choice" amongst our obligations. Which child do we cut? Is it the poor one or the sick one? Is it the uneducated one or is it the one with special needs?"

As a result of this budget situation, California has fired hundreds of teachers and cut down on many extracurricular classes offered in schools, such as musical education and leadership courses. Governor Schwarzenegger has given his “Sophie’s Choice” to the education crisis in California: protect the state’s educational system by making cuts in healthcare, public transit and social services. He also proposes to make a constitutional amendment which would limit state spending to no less than 10% on public higher education and no more than 7% on state prisons, which takes in more government funding than the public education does.
He states that:
"Thirty years ago, 10% of the general fund went to higher education and 3% to prisons. Today almost 11% goes to prisons and only 7.5% goes to higher education. What does it say about any state that focuses more on prison uniforms than on caps and gowns?"

Mr. Schwarzenegger is right. It is not a state’s wish to appear to be more focused on its criminals rather than the young developing minds. However, the public is already enraged at tuition increase and crowded classrooms, and are verge of revolt. Again as mentioned before, implementing strategies to stop individuals choosing the wrong social path would lead to resources being diverted to the right places.

Part 3

Even with newly developed and improved technology that is supposed to be used to enhance learning methods; much cash still is directed towards the purchasing of textbooks, which is quite unnecessary considering the less expensive alternatives. Extra money that could be saved from the textbooks can be used to buy assessment and intervention tools, which would help students get the academic support and guidance that they need, improving student achievement and ultimately changing school culture.

I once read a book about life in poverty and the struggles that an individual had to go through in order to gain a decent education. In the book the school hired a teacher from a well off community and that teacher has a big influence. This may seem an obvious statement to make but simple strategies and solutions are often the best ways forward. Therefore, I believe that if the best teachers were brought to the neediest schools the students then results would significantly improve. Whilst this is not practical, it is still an innocent student wish for a better chance to be granted to the less fortunate. Additionally, for help in low income schools, the government could divert funds for extra help, training teachers, counselors and tutors.

Another method to improve the educational system would be to simplify, promote clarity and transparency in the financial aid process, making it easier to understand for both the parent and student. This would obviously eradicate one reason to give up on college because of financial aid confusion. It would also be helpful to guarantee tuition at an early age, preferably around ninth or tenth grade, which would promote less stress and pressure. The student will also have a chance of a higher education and again as pointed out earlier, help change the world in many, many different ways.

Education is key to the future of the world, not just the United States. More time, effort and funding needs to be implemented by government, states, students and family. If we as a nation work on improving the system then the United States will show the world the correct way ahead into all of our futures.

Monday, March 29, 2010

WANTED: Honeymoon Tester, Must Be Able to Love Getting Paid While on Honeymoon!!

After getting the idea from a film in Australia, Irish travel agency have decided to recreate "The Best Job in the World". All ready more than 1000 couples have applied for the opportunity to be sent to parishes around the world. People are expected to blog about their experiences aand be paid 20000 euros which is about 27000 dollars. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Even the Wealthy...

Even the wealthy are struggling with getting children in good schools. It is said that Arne Duncan, who used to be secretary of education and cheif executive for Chicago Public Schools, had kept a list of local politicians and businessmen, whom he could hopefully get their children in a benevolent school. However rumours flown about how Mr. Duncan and his aide, David Pickens, list was putting a pressure on principals to which they both denied saying that the list was created to reduce principal pressure. Peter Cunningham, assistant secretary of the Department of Education and Mr. Duncans former communicator comments:

“Arne Duncan asked David Pickens to respond to all of these requests, some of which came from him, some from lots of other people, as a way to try to manage a process that was putting a lot of pressure on principals, this was an attempt to buffer principals from all the outside pressure, to get our arms around something that was burdensome to them. It was always up to the principal to make the decision. Arne never ever picked up the phone.”

The list was primarily set as a guide and not something set in stone. It was only asking that Mr. Duncan look at it and see possibilities of things he could do. As many people know admissions into top schools in Chicago has been very difficult and the people on the list were only trying to look out for their own and try and secure a better higher educated future.

Reading Scores Remain Stagnant

As math skills have appeared to be improving through out the years, the reading segment does not appear to be going anywhere at the moment. According to a nationwide reading assessment the score remain on the same path, as they have been for 17 years. This might be because of the improvement in technology and the invention of devices such as the computer, television and USA network, has taken up the interest in people that would have been for reading a good book. People tend to get the mentality that the movie is better than the book and faster, so what is the point of reading it when watching it would be so much more "enjoyable". Others however would say that it is because of the "undemanding curicullum". English expert, Susan Pimentel commented saying that:
"American schools were fairly efficient at teaching basic reading skills in the early grades, but that as students matured they need to be consistently challenged to broaden those skills by reading not only complex literature but also sophisticated nonfiction in subjects like history and science. And we're not asking them to read nearly enough"

As an experienced high school student myself, i find Ms. Pimentel's statement very true. My english class requires that we read books but due to the advantages of the interent and other electronics it is not difficult to find a way around the norm...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Common School Myth Dethroned

Once a upon a time it used to be that if you moved to the right area, your children could be guaranteed a spot in a good school, but in New York school districts that myth is being challenged. For two years now has families in New York's finer areas, such as Upper West and East Side Manhattan, receive letters stating that their child has been put on a waiting list for the local public elementary school. According to statistics shone in the New York times, many schools have nearly as allowed admitted on the waiting lists, one school in have 111 people on its waiting list when there is only space for 130. However, the remaining children are not going to be ignored, according to Maura Keaney, the director of external affairs for the Education Department,

children on a waiting list would be offered a spot at another nearby school by the middle of May. Two new schools with 75 kindergarten seats each will open this fall in existing buildings in District 2 and 3 in Manhattan, and could absorb some of the children.

And also for the waiting list students, even if their parents chose an alternative school they would still be able to keep their place on the waiting list, just in case. However, parents are still stressed, like Michelle Hankin who stated that:

“I am trying to find out what I am supposed to do and what our options are, but I really feel helpless,”

As this phenomenon progress, people begin to question if there are enough progressive schools readily available. People seem to get more critical about the education of their young uns but with a shortage of good schools America is losing a lot of intelligent minds to something that should be guaranteed. What people should do is get down and dirty in the education system and tweak it a bit so that people are allowed the advantages of a well rounded curriculum and in turn a good education.

Just HAD to Post This: Greatest Police Chase

I found this very interesting while surfing youtube. I give props to the driver for controlling the car beautifully, which is believed to be a Mustang, but not for running away from the law which is plain stupidity

Monday, March 22, 2010

The EVERYONE Health Plan : Now That its Passed, Bill Goes to Obama

The health care bill that has been sweeping the nation is now signed, sealed and about to be delivered to President Obama to sign into a law. However, there are still many controversy towards the bill, especially from the everyday citizens of the United States. Many protested outside the capitol, in Washington D.C., to "Kill the Bill", for the bills "immoral" contents (abortion), the higher taxation percent and some.

The roughly $940 billion dollar health plan plans to insure about 32 million Americans, who can not afford health insurance. Now most Americans will be required to have heath insurance or pay a fine, though I can not really think why some one would not want health insurance. Big company employers will have to provide health coverage to employees and insurers will be banned from denying a person coverage because of gender or any existing conditions that they have. For example yeast infection. If any of the above does not comply with the changes than consequences will be put in order for them, financial penalties. Which in my opinion is a fair enough deal however others would seem to say otherwise. Now America will have to see whether or not, the passing of this bill will revolutionize the nation...

A clip-et from protest in Washington:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dreams Come True: Recess Becomes a Class

For years many kids have prayed for recess to be one day a class but students in Broadway Elementary School in Newark would say differently. Brandi Parker was hired on a 14 dollar per hour salary to play disciplinary organized games with the students during their break time. The tactic that was supposed to teach the students control and discipline, but many students are frustrated. Esmeilyn Almendarez, 11 said:
"I dont like to play"
And according to Winnie Hue, a writer for New York Times:
"Although many school officials and parents like the organized activity, its critics say it takes away the only time that children have to unwind."

Even through its important to incorporate good behaviour in children from a young age, recess should be seen as a time to relax and get their brain back together and "unwind" a little, not a drill team..

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Minus 20% LOSER!!!

Rex Roland, middle school teacher from Candler, North Carolina wrote the word "loser" on a student's paper and it has spurred the anger of the student's mother, Patty Clement. Mrs Clement thinks that Roland's technique is unethical and needs to change and resorted to reporting him to the principal of the school. However, other parents do not express deep concern with Roland's tatics, saying that he is only trying to get on their level and communicate with them in ways that are familiar. Like for instance joking around and calling a child loser...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Online Classes : Better for Students or Schools?

Online college classes has been around for nearly twenty years yet there is still controversy whether online classes are both budget wise and educationally fulfilling but that does not stop the Connecticut public high schools, the program, called the CT Virtual Learning Center, is designed to provide classes in algebra, geometry, and English to students who fall behind in class, which would be at an advantage for them because they would have the chance to avoid summer school and compensate their credits. The online courses will also provide electives which may have been cut because of budget issues.
This is a good turn of technology and it will help many students get the education that they deserve.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Central Falls Students Show School Pride and Rally Against Firings

Students and graduates of Central Falls High School decide to take a stand against massive numbers of teachers pink slipped, giving a peaceful demonstration in the neighborhood. They protested the lack of concern that they believe Obama was giving students:

"He doesn't know us. He doesn't know the teachers. He doesn't know the students. I think it's a real outrage what's happening here." said Nikko Calle, 21, a graduate of Central Falls High School in 2006.

Some students had the opinion that Obama had turned a blind eye to the necessities of his supporters. One protester, Ashley Delgado, held a sign stating: Dear Obama, I supported you, your causes, goals and beliefs. Why aren't you supporting mine?
Many have even resorted to peeling the bumper sticker off their vehicles...
Budget cuts have obviously created a dent in many educational system but at what point will a child's chance of getting a decent education be severely jeopardized due to the lack of faculty and materials? The Obama administration really has some strings to tie if they plan to run for executive office again...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

88 Teachers Pinkslipped

One of the lowest performing schools in the Rhode Island State, Central Falls High School is planning to fire all 88 teachers due to their lack of concern in the students test scores and grades. Although a teachers union spokesman calls the pink slipping "drastic" the superintendent for Central Falls stand behind the decision.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mental Health Break

I thought this was funny, such sass and spunk ...and parents wonder why their kids grow up the way they do. They will regret teaching her that in a couple years but she is so cute!

Funny "Whatever" Baby @ Yahoo! Video

Tiger Apologizes but the "Cheetah" Purrs Within

"I am so sorry" says Tiger Woods during his apology to his wife, fans and media. He admits to having multiple affairs because of the influence of being part of the exclusive "rich and famous" and because he was entitled to some pleasureful indulgences of his surroundings due to his hardwork and effort. You would think that being wealthy and not begging for scraps on the filthy streets or living in the hoods of Brooklyn would be satisfying enough... guess not. Tiger also admits that he is Buddhist and had strayed away from his path however, promises society that he will be getting help and improving his situation while keeping in balance his professional and personal life. Basically Tiger says things that people want to hear him say, even dragging religion into it, and most of it, in my view, does not seem heartfelt so try again Mr. Woods, I am not convinced...are you?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

California Schools Not Up to Contest

California School Districts and Teacher Unions can win 700 million dollars in federal grants if they reform some educational habit and keep to their promises, however more than half of California's school district and teacher unions will not participate. Only 41 percent of the schools agreed to take the challenge in order to ease budget cuts. Are we, as Californian teachers, students and districts doing all we can? Well definitely not if more than half of California's school district does not feel competitive enough to take the challenge to better a students life.

Freshman, Sophmore, COLLEGE!

The National Center of Education and the Economy has put together a new program to help students, who feel ready, start moving on with their lives and help achieve their dreams. The program will take action in 2011 in these eight states: Connecticut, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont. According to Marc Tucker, after analyzing the high school systems in other countries there is a big difference as to the focus, understanding and effort.
“That’s a central problem we’re trying to address, the enormous failure rate of
these kids when they go to the open admission colleges. We’ve looked at schools
all over the world, and if you walk into a high school in the countries that use
these board exams, you’ll see kids working hard, whether they want to be a
carpenter or a brain surgeon.”

Personally for me being a young senior I understand the advantages of going to college at an early age and all but what about the well deserved adolescent experience?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The More The Merrier?

College Board's Advance Placement Tests are growing in American High Schools, making it possible of more students to get a chance to be among the elitist, but the failing rate is increasing as well- though not surpassing the passing rate. According to the College Board report released on Wednesday an estimated 800,000 seniors of the graduating class took AP tests during their high school life, doubling the amount of 2001's graduating class but also doubling both the failing and passing rates, which is only to be expected with a growing system. Trevor Packer, vice president of the Advance Placement program says:
“Are we getting more 1s and 2s? Absolutely, but are we getting more 3s, 4s and 5s? Even more so. So the question is whether that increase in the percentage of low scores is a reasonable trade off for the even larger growth in high scores, and I don’t know an educator who wouldn’t think it’s a good trade off to take the risk and give more courses that we know have been good for the few.”

So...the more the merrier?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Early College For Low Income Students

North Carolina has more than 70 early-college schools, whose goal is to keep at-risk students in school by eliminating the divide between high school and college and providing what use to be advantages for over achieving schools. I think that this idea is great to help educate the world, especially for those who can not afford high end places like high or regular income kids can. And the good thing is that this system is actually working, more kids in North Carolina are abstaining from dropping out of school and finding their ways to college. Also grades have improved for those who attend early college school rather than regular high school. Precious Holt, the girl in the picture and an attendee of one of North Carolina's early college school admits that:

“I didn’t want to do it, because my middle school friends weren’t applying,”

“I cried, but my mother made me do it.

“The first year, I didn’t like it, because my friends at the regular high school were having pep rallies and actual fun, while I had all this homework. But when I look back at my middle school friends, I see how many of them got pregnant or do drugs or dropped out. And now I’m excited, because I’m a year ahead.”

The Michael Jackson Case: The Predicament of Doctor Murray

Well this is good to know, for all MJ admires curious of updates of the case.

New York State Senator Gets Down And Dirty

Uh oh! Senator Hiram Monserrate is kicked out by the State Senate for domestic assault, making it the first time in nearly a century that a member was forced from office. According to Jeremy Peters from the NY Times:

"Monserrate was convicted last fall of a misdemeanor for dragging his companion down the hallway of his apartment building."

With Democrat Senator Monserrate booted off the Senate, it will leave Republicans standing at 30 and Democrats at 31 for the passing or approving of any bills, since it takes 32 votes to approve a bill, and thus make it difficult for any party to approve or pass a bill with in their own congregation. However Gov. David A Patterson comes to the rescue by calling a special election on March 16th in order to smooth out the situation...

The problem here is that Senator Monserrate does not think! Democrats are already head on head with the Republicans, trying to appease the nation yet still maintain their authority and Monserrate has to go screw things up and make it possible for the Republicans to "dish some dirt on the Dems". So the question is how much has Dem. dog Monserrate costed his party really?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Man Kills Abortionist Doctor

On May 31 2009, Scott Roeder killed Dr. George Tiller inside of his church for performing late term abortions. Nearly a year later, Mr. Roeder says that it was his crime but will not plead guilty to manslaughter. Roeder testified:

“I did what I thought was needed to be done to protect the children. I shot him,”

Roeder's lawyers spin a twist, hoping that the jurors would consider Roeders beliefs and oppositions and give him a lighter sentence. However the judge advises the jury not to give him a lesser sentence that what he deserves. How far are people going to take their antiabortionist ideas? And when will this eventually become yet another crisis for the nation?

The IPad. The New Generation of IPhone

The newest item from Apple, the Ipad is said to do everything, consisting of the same functions as the ipod and iphone put together and even with a mix of the mini laptop and Amazon's Kindle. Bobby Johnson, technical correspondent to the Guardian's newspaper states:

"For anyone who loves new technology, getting the first touch of a new Apple device is a little like laying hands on the Shroud of Turin, or seeing a unicorn: the first experience of a mythical object imbued with miraculous properties"

For now the Ipad seems to be the most wondrous item on the technical market but how long will it be number one though? Apple and other tech companies seem to make something fascinatingly new every few months or so.

Republicans VS Democrats

After President Obama delivered his State of the Union address to both parties in parliament and the nation, Republicans and Democrats seem to be neck to neck, more than usual political disputers. Obama is having difficulties bringing the oppositional party in on his latest plans. It seems that Republicans and Democrats are going to have issues coming up with a plan that is both beneficial to the economy and to their needs. How much longer are we the people going to wait until this gets into play? And how much longer can the economy hold up with minimal stability? After all this, will Obama really be seen as the "change" he promised or a "fraud"?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blackwater Goes Too Far

Blackwater, an United States Security company is now being accused of being a "rogue militia that disregards humanity" due to the murder of two Afgans. Two former guards are being charged with the murder which would follow previous cases against Blackwater for various killings in Iraq. Which causes us to question, whats the cause and nature of Blackwater? To reach Iraq and kill, kill, kill?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Game Catches Crook

Criminal gets caught by playing World of Warcraft online on a stolen xbox. According to deputy of Howard County, Matt Roberson, the accused Alfred Hightower was a avid player of this apparently addictive game so the authorities were able to trace the system down to Hightower. Roberson told The Perspective:
“We received information that this guy was a regular player of an online game, which was referred to as ‘some warlock and witches’ game.” None of that information was sound enough to pursue on its own, but putting everything we had together gave me enough evidence to send a subpoena to Blizzard Entertainment. I knew exactly what he was playing — World of Warcraft. I used to play it. It’s one of the largest online games in the world.”

“You hear stories about you can’t get someone through the Internet. Guess what??You can. I just did. Here you are, playing World of Warcraft, and you never know who you’re playing with.”
It is not the first time that the police use games to track down criminals. Officials use the PSP3 to break child pornographers passwords. However this can work as a two way street, police finding criminals and criminals finding victims. How reliable is this system really?